Smile Design

Join Dr. Hornbrook as he explores our options for aesthetic, metal-free dentistry. Discussion will include updates of dentinal adhesion, ideal cementation of the new materials using the new resin cements, understanding the advantages of the new ceramics ideal for smile design and choosing the correct materials for optimizing results. He will review step-by-step cementation of veneers and all-ceramic crowns including dentinal adhesive review and recommendations. This truly is the “Platinum Age” of dentistry and the potential for what we can offer our patients, both aesthetically and functionally is more exciting and rewarding than ever before.

Veneer Cementation:
The Tack and Wave Technique

One of the most stressful things we do in restorative dentistry is the placement of multiple veneers at one time. Whether the patient desires 6, 8, 10, or 20 veneers, the expectations and possible problems that can occur are many. The cementation process should be, however, one of the most rewarding procedures in our practice. Join Dr. Hornbrook as he describes a very simple. predictable, and stress free method to cement anterior porcelain veneers and crowns. On a live-patient, Dr. Hornbrook places 10 veneers and discusses, in detail, the try-in of the veneers, selecting the correct shade of resin using try-in gels, adjusting contacts, adhesive systems and cements, and finishing and polishing.

Veneer Provisionalization
Join Dr. Hornbrook as he discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the materials available today to optimize aesthetics and function in anterior indirect restorative dentistry. He will discuss different ceramic systems available, preparation requirements of these different restorative materials, and proper material selection. Learn the differences in the materials and techniques available today to better understand how to improve treatment plan acceptance, long term prognosis and patient satisfaction.

Lasethetics: The Practical Use of Lasers in Dentistry
One technology that has become increasingly utilized in clinical dentistry is that of the laser. Initially introduced as an alternative to the traditional halogen curing light, the laser now has become the instrument of choice in many applications for both periodontal and restorative care. Although the laser offers many advantages over other modalities of treatment, probably the greatest impact it has made is the ability to be used for both hard and soft tissue, often times without the need for anesthesia. Join Dr. Hornbrook as he discusses gingival recontouring, frenectomies, periodontal treatment ovate poetics and hard tissue applications.

Prepless Veneers
Prepless, minimal prep and no prep veneers have changed the way the modern clinician looks at the opportunity to offer his or her patient a conservative, yet beautiful smile. Join Dr. Hornbrook as he discusses advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications, proper patient selection, preparation ideals, materials, fabrication techniques, preparation requirements and effective Laboratory communication to provide an ideal result.

New Patients
Join Dr. Hornbrook and his Five-Star Team as they
provide step-by-step strategies for providing the ultimate experience for the “New Patient”. They will discuss greetings and introductions, utilizing case presentation tools, excellent service, prompt attention and creature comforts. Learn the necessary steps of enrollment, including establishing rapport, discovering values and conducting an outstanding New Patient Interview. Make their first visit to your office something to remember!

Night Guards: Splint-Indications and Insertions
With all the names and types of splint options available, it is no wonder that dentists today are confused as to which splint to use, and when.
Join Dr. David Hornbrook and Dr. John Nosti as they clarify and simplify the two main splint options in dentistry, and how the majority of splints fall into these categories. Candidates, records, indications, contraindications and insertion of these appliances will be discussed in detail. This DVD will make you more comfortable in prescribing the correct appliance for the patients in your practice starting tomorrow!

The Correct Bite
Join Dr. Hornbrook and Dr. Nosti as they provide their unique approach to developing the correct bite, discuss the importance of deprogramming the muscles and how to use a deprogrammer to take the occlusal bite record.
- Detriments of occlusion
- When does occlusion matter
- Erasing muscle memory – deprogramming
- Recommended deprogrammer for your office
- Taking a Centric Relation Bite relationship
- Centric Relation bite as a diagnostic record

Perfecting The Occlusion Through Equilibration
It’s more than just grinding away blue spots.
Occlusal equilibration remains one of the most under utilized and confusing procedures in dentistry today. Join Drs. David Hornbrook and John Nosti as they discuss equilibration for everyday dentistry, balancing the occlusion, and complex (or Aesthetic) case finishing. This DVD will take the guesswork out of this procedure by demonstrating a step by step T-Scan assisted occlusal equilibration on a live patient.

Tack and Wave: Cementation of Veneers and Anterior Crowns
Join Dr. Hornbrook as he provides a step-by-step approach to veneer cementation, using his “Tack and Wave” technique. He will review dentinal adhesives and recommendations, try-in and cementation and finishing. He will also discuss curing lights and review their advantages and disadvantages.

Metal-Free Options For Posterior Teeth
Join Dr. Hornbrook as he discusses the advantages
and disadvantages of the materials available today to optimize aesthetics and function in posterior direct and indirect restorative dentistry. He will review step-by-step cementation of posterior indirect restorations including dentinal adhesive review and recommendations, try-in and cementation, and finishing. He will also discuss curing lights and review the advantages and disadvantages of many of the lights available on the market today

Lab Communication
Probably the weakest link in aesthetic and restorative dentistry is the lack of adequate communication between the clinician and the dental laboratory. Join Dr. Hornbrook as he discusses how to optimize the communication between the clinician and the ceramist, especially with aesthetic restorations. He will discuss what the ceramist needs to provide optimal results and how to transfer this information from the patient to the ceramist. Also in this DVD is a step-by-step discussion of the photographs needed for ideal communication.

Digital Photography
Learn the skills and techniques needed to incorporate photography into your practice. Dr. Hornbrook will discuss taking and managing high-quality photographs in promoting, documenting, evaluating and communicating the key critical elements of aesthetic dentistry. An easy to understand system of how to use photography to get better aesthetic results will be presented, which can be immediately implemented into your practice. Learn photography basics, intra-oral tips and strategies for quality images and how to get predictable results every time!